Name Chatentry
[EW]HellBound  said:   ha... it would help to let go of the nade 
[EW]HellBound  said:   you been doing alright Dave??? 
BigBangTheory  said:   yeah I suppose so...u? 
[EW]HellBound  said:   not to terribly bad... i'll be +1 in about another 6 months 3 weeks 
BigBangTheory  said:   ah congrats 
[EW]HellBound  said:   ty 
BigBangTheory  said:   they know what casuses that now-a-days 
BigBangTheory  said:   causes* 
[EW]HellBound  said:   ?? 
BigBangTheory  said:   was a joke 
[EW]HellBound  said:   yeah, i was waiting for the punchline 
BigBangTheory  said:   the punch line was retorical 
[EW]HellBound  said:   lol... yeah, kinda figured... lmao 
[EW]HellBound  said:   anyone up for some CoD4 2nite? 
BigBangTheory  said:   who is running cod4 servers anymore? 
[EW]HellBound  said:   Ron still has that CoD4 server up & running 
[EW]HellBound  said:   the one you modded for him... i think 
BigBangTheory  said:   ah, just regualar? unmodded? 
BigBangTheory  said:   oh didnt remeber 
BigBangTheory  said:   ill probbly need to check on stuff in tf2 
[EW]HellBound  said:   yeah, thats cool... wasn't really feeling it myself anyways 
[EW]HellBound  said:   just thought i'd throw it out there 
BigBangTheory  said:   :P 
BigBangTheory  said:   well, gunn run..great catching you all..hb, blondie...c yall around 
Blondie  said:   cya 
[EW]HellBound  said:   cya man... don't be a stranger 
BigBangTheory  said:    aparting shot :D 
[EW]HellBound  said:   lol 
BigBangTheory  said:   lol c ya 
BigBangTheory  said:   im always around in tf2 
BigBangTheory  said:   run like 7 servers in that 
BigBangTheory  said:   night